Predominantly there are 3 groups of people who avoid going to the dentist.
- The first group of people might be very fearful and anxious and therefore they don’t visit the dentist.
- The second group of people don’t visit the dentists because they think that nothing is wrong, and nothing is hurting, and they feel their teeth are healthy.
- The last group of people don’t visit due to costs.
Today we want to address the second and third group of people together.
When you don’t feel any pain or sensitivity or discomfort, it does not mean that you’ve got nothing wrong in your teeth. There could be some problems lurking there. The problems could be small, the problem could simple and relatively cheap to fix. However, if not detected early, dental problems could become more serious or more complicated very quickly, and hence the cost could go up very quickly too. Not only that, one problem might have domino effect, and moving forward your dental health might deteriorate quite quickly.
Dental visit is very similar to having your car serviced and checked regularly. For example, when you send your car for servicing every six months or twelve months or depending on the mileage of your car, the mechanic might pick up issues such as your low engine oil or insufficient brake fluid. Now while the car is still running quite nice and smooth, it doesn’t mean there are no issues within the engine that should be rectified. Now how often do you use your car in comparison to use your teeth? Shouldn’t your service your teeth more regularly than servicing your cars?
When you brush your teeth every night in front of mirror, you could see all your front teeth, they all look pearly whites. But all the back teeth are very difficult to be properly examined unless by professional investigation and x-ray assessment.
At Lara Village Dental, we aim to make dentistry as affordable as possible to everyone. We would love to help you to detect dental problems early when they are simple and cheap to fix.
That’s why we offer very affordable check-up and clean package. And we also provide customised payment plan options for those who need more complicated treatments.
Call US Now for an initial consult or examination. Our friendly team would love to help you the best we could.